Thursday, November 5, 2009


"It is not light that we need, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake."

William Lloyd Garrison

on the Abolitionist Movement

This is the kind of attitude that those who say they are against abortion need to have if we ever expect to end "legal' child killing in our land!
God help us!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Online Auction..Let the bidding begin!

Dave Leach is planning an online auction to try to raise funds for Scott Roeder and his defense. Right now Roeder has a public defender, but certailey a paid lawyer would be a big assest if Mr. Roeder plans on asserting a necessity defense. Items going up for auction include an Army of God Manuel, a cookbook of prison recipes by Shelly Shannon, and an autographed copy of Michael Bray's book..A Time To Kill...What a great idea...Count me in on the bidding. I've also sent an email out letting David know that I am willing to donate one of my anti-abortion drawings I did while in jail back in the 90s. Check it out above!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

John Brown & Scott Roeder

It was 150 years ago this day that John Brown went on trial for using force to try and aquire the means necessary to free people from the cruel bondage of slavery in this land. John Brown goes down in the history of America as a great man of courage, willing to do what was needed in the face of state sponsored oppresion. Likewise 150 years later Scott Roeder will soon go on trial for the same type of merciful action. Shall we hang him also only to later, as in Brown's case, lift hin up as a hero. Let us not make this same mistake twice, we need peolpe of the same type of courage to free Mr. Roeder now, and if not now to acquit him when he goes on trial this January.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Brandi Lozier-Abortion Survivor

Here's a couple of pics of Brandi as we said goodbye! Be blessed in Orlando Brandi!

Cooking at the Filos Home...or this ain't Rachel Ray

Myself, Naomi, and 9 children....How many meals are we making every week?

If you just count the big three each day, that is 231 meals each week! Of course those of you who have kids, and especialy those with more than 3 kids know that there are also many other "in between" meals that must be prepared also. Snacks....special deserts before bedtime.....Lets just round it up to say........250 conservatively.....Thats REALLIFEBIGFAMILIES.....


Friday, October 16, 2009


Shelly Shannon and her daughter Angie>
This site has the book about Shelly Shannon that I will be publishing in the next few weeks.
Tillers Unheeded Warning

Also lots of other good links for those who believe that the pre-born children are as much people as the rest of us born folks, and are worthy of the same amount of protection that people who are born are worthy of and deserve.
If you believe that you and your family may be protected from wrongful attempts on your lives, with force, upto and including deadly force, why would you deny that to innocent babies who can do nothing to protect themselves.
Please think this one through, it is not a difficult one....what holds us back is the "world".
Do not condem those righteous brothers and sisters who have laid down their lives for "the least of these".
Search the scriptures and know the Truth.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Prolife martyr Jim Poulion

Well it has happened! Just a short time ago I asked the question What would happen if one of the prolife leaders was murdered? (see earlier post) While Jim was not a so called "Prolife leader" in the sense that I was talking about, he was truly a leader in his example of dedication to true Christianity and speaking up for his preborn brothers and sisters. It is good to know that he is rejoicing with Jesus, but what will this mean for those of us still here for the time being? Only time will show who presses on and who shrinks back. May God give us the strength to be true!

Life Chain 2009

We all went out to the life chain this past weekend with our new friend Brandi Lozier. Brandi is a 21 week abortion survivor. She, by God's grace and great mercy survived a saline abortion attempt and spends her life now as an advocate for her preborn brothers and sisters. All the kids held signs with us on the main road in front of the killing center in Charleston. Noah said " This is crazy, these people killing babies, what's wrong with them?" Good question Noah, and what's wrong with the Church for allowing it to go on when we know when and where it is going to take place?

Thursday, October 1, 2009


We know that fall has arrived when the big spiders are making their webs on the porch each evening.
Great to wake up to for breakfast in the South.

Friday, September 25, 2009

E-mail a link to this thread

Don't miss this! Great story on discovery by archeologists concerning Joseph the youngest son of Jacob.

E-mail a link to this thread

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Nebraska Police Brace for Onslaught at Carhart Clinic

Good I hope it costs them billions to try and keep that dump of a killing center open. It's just a shame that they would even think of protecting these mass murderers at all. To see pictures of what this animal does go ArmyofGod.comNebraska Police Brace for Onslaught at Carhart Clinic

Monday, August 31, 2009

Here is some great information concerning a faithful brother who is soon to go on trial for what appears from all information to be an act of mercy and righteousness. Also, don't miss out reading the life story of Shelly Shannon, this is must reading for all people of faith!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Just thinking ..... and am quite sure that those in the abortion industry are far more committed to killing the unborn than we are to protecting them. With all the harassment, threats, and killings, most of them continue day after day in their grizzly trade. What about when some of the "leaders" of the pro life movement get murdered, how many others will quietly disappear into the night? We have already seen what lawsuits and 1, 2, or 5, year jail sentences did to the operation rescue movement.....just thinking?

Friday, June 26, 2009

Abortionist killed in Kansas

Good news this past month as mass murderer George Tiller was stopped from ever killing any more innocent children. I think that it was probably fitting for him to be aborted in his church where he should have been taught the truth but sadly was never subject to the correction of his pastor. "In the last days shall be perilous times..." Not the first to die at the place of worship, the Bible is full of other examples, of those who sought to mock God and test the amount of His mercy. Pray that others of Tillers comrades would repent and turn from their diabolical trade in the blood of innocents.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It appears that a once thought extinct species has been found... a christian from California...see Miss California! Thumbs up to her for speaking the truth... Just kidding to all my brothers and sisters in Califonia.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

For more on this check out Demographic

population problems

The idea that somehow people having a lot of kids is a detriment to society gets me more angry every time i hear some liberal spout off about it. The facts are that without multiplication these folks who all have no or one child are the ones that will be sucking off of society when they have none or only one child to support two parents and four grandparents in their old age. The economic situation can only get worse as less people have children. God was not kidding when He said be fruitful and multiply..... but maybe man knows better? NOT!! I alwats feel like what these folks want is more fore themselves...Greed..Coveteousness... There's nothing new under the heavens.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Bee City Visit/Local Petting Zoo

So today we went to the local petting zoo. For us $33.00 to get in, plus another $8.00 for the snacks to feed the animals. If we had to go out to eat also...well you try to figure that one out,I'm not.Great activity for a few hours though. I just wish they did't have all that other stuff in the gift store to sell, which you have to walk right trough to get in and out. Forgot tofigure in that other$10.00. That brings the total to $51.00, not including gas for the big van to get us all there together.not bad for two and a half hours out with the family. We did have a great time though, check out the pics.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

This is my first attempt a blogging, so i hope you will all bear with me. The purpose of this blog will be to share real life experiences of having a large family. With the rise of TV family reality shows about large families, I wanted to have a place where those of us who are living real life can share and find hope from each other.